“Enhance the Value of your Car with Brand New Look” Carzone paint job offer just @ 50$/ per panel
We do Paint Job with “Invisible repair” technique involves ability to remove scratch / dent with a precision of completely eradicating any signs of scratch / dent post the paint job
We have Cashless insurance facility for almost all insurance companies and This offer is available in all our service centers across India.
Enjoy Carnation edge with quality workmanship & best in class paint booth facility with usage of International quality paint.
Terms and Condition :
1. Taxes Extra.
2. It can be combined with other Regular offers but cannot be redeemed for cash.
3. Ask for free Pick & Drop. it is subject to availability & proximity
4. Applicable only for Small and Medium Cars only and Maximum palm size dent covered.
5. Any consumable if required such as clips, screws etc. shall be at actual cost.